start your VA business

Starting Your VA Business: Discovering Your Superpower

Welcome to the world of Virtual Assistance (VA), a realm where your unique skills, personality, and experiences converge to create a fulfilling and lucrative career. I’m Jess Byrnes, your guide on this journey, and today we’re diving into a foundational element of starting your VA business: uncovering your superpower.

Who Am I?

First things first, who is this guide encouraging you to leap into the VA world? I’m Jess Byrnes, a VA coach with a freshly embraced shaved head look, symbolizing new beginnings and bold changes. Having embarked on my VA journey in 2017 and diving deep into the industry in 2019, I’ve navigated the highs and lows, learning invaluable lessons along the way. My mission? To empower women like you to transition from the mundane 9-5 to a thriving VA business, aiming to assist 100 women in 2024 and a thousand more by 2025. 

Your VA Journey Begins

Embarking on your VA journey might stir a blend of excitement and uncertainty. What services should you offer? How do you package your skills? These questions are natural, and today, we’re addressing them by focusing on what you’re inherently good at—your superpower.

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Discovering Your Superpower

Identifying your superpower involves introspection across four pillars: Personality, Experience, Perspective, and Skills & Development. Let’s explore each:

1. Personality:

Your personality plays a pivotal role in shaping your VA services. Are you an extroverted, public-speaking enthusiast or an introverted, behind-the-scenes maestro? Understanding your comfort zone and preferences is crucial in defining your offerings.

2. Experience:

Reflect on your professional journey. What roles have you excelled in? Whether it’s customer service mastery, spreadsheet wizardry, or digital marketing prowess, your past experiences lay the groundwork for your VA services.

3. Perspective:

Your beliefs and outlook on life influence the clients you attract and the projects you resonate with. Embracing a mindset that aligns with your values ensures authenticity in your work.

4. Skills & Development:

Pinpoint the skills that set you apart. From budgeting and graphic design to organizational expertise, recognize the tools and techniques you wield with confidence.

The Impact of Your Superpower

Recognizing your superpower not only guides the services you offer but also the lives you touch. As a VA, you bring to life the visions of business owners, enabling them to focus on their strengths while you manage the complexities of their operations. This symbiotic relationship fosters growth, innovation, and success for both parties.

Next Steps

Identifying your superpower is the first step. Tomorrow, we delve into packaging your services, transforming your skills into tangible offerings that captivate and convert. Remember, this journey is about bringing your unique essence to the forefront, making a difference in the lives of those you work with, and ultimately, achieving the freedom and fulfillment you seek.

Stay tuned, engage, and let’s unlock the potential of your VA business together.