Want My Tips to Rock Your Social Media For Free?
For Business Owners & Entrepreneurs who are ready to scale and to inspire and impact with their product or service.
The Top 3 Benefits of Starting Your Virtual Assistant Business
The Top Benefits of Starting Your Virtual Assistant Business Starting a Virtual Assistant (VA) business offers numerous advantages, providing both professional growth and personal freedom. Here are the top three benefits of launching your own VA business, based on my...
Do You Need To Niche As A Virtual Assistant
Embarking on a Virtual Assistant (VA) career offers a unique opportunity to craft a job that perfectly aligns with your skills and lifestyle preferences. However, the key to success in this field lies in mastering the art of niching. Jess Byrnes, an esteemed VA coach,...
The 4 elements to unlocking your superpowers to start your virtual assistant business!
Starting Your VA Business: Discovering Your Superpower Welcome to the world of Virtual Assistance (VA), a realm where your unique skills, personality, and experiences converge to create a fulfilling and lucrative career. I'm Jess Byrnes, your guide on this journey,...

8 Lessons to grow your business using social media
Want My Tips to Rock Your Social Media For Free? ABOUT JESS After chasing the corporate ladder and falling pregnant, I decided to jump in the deep end with my business. I am here to execute your marketing plans and bringing your business goals to life allowing...

How to set up Google Analytics on WordPress
Want My Tips to Rock Your Social Media For Free? ABOUT JESS After chasing the corporate ladder and falling pregnant, I decided to jump in the deep end with my business. I am here to execute your marketing plans and bringing your business goals to life allowing...

I started reflecting on what it means to be organised, as i look at my bomb site of a house and create my to do list for all the things i would love to get done in my business. And then it hit me…. there are so many ways to be organised.
Now Netflix has revolutionized home organisation by introducing Marie Kondo to the world but some find her method a little extreme. I decided to ask around about what organising means to you!
I headed over to the Thriving Entrepreneur Circle Facebook Group and asked the question…
What does being organised look like to you?
“Means knowing where things are and having plenty of time to do all the things I want to do”
“For me it’s definitely about lists. Somehow lists help me to organise my mind.”
send me an email at hello@jessbyrnes.com and tell me what being organised means to you!
Once your organised its fantastic but the journey there, at times, can be one of the hardest. It can often take more time to get organised and writing the list than the tasks on the list themselves.
Are you ready for your potential to be totally unleashed? Join our totally unleashed success program for weekly workshops to grow your business. Click here
If you systemise your business, those repetitive tasks the time saving accrues.
For example, to systemise my business I use Dubsado. I spend an hour and a half setting up a workflow for when I get a new client. Now I could have set up that client in less than an hour and a hour by sending the forms and contracts and invoices manually but when i look big picture, any time i have a new client now, i don’t have to bat an eyelid.
Are you ready for your potential to be totally unleashed? Join our totally unleashed success program for weekly workshops to grow your business. Click here
Now every time someone signs up I save the time and effort to set up the emails. I save my mindset because I can continue to focus at the task at hand. I can spend time nurturing the client and setting up their systems the way they want it and get started to work together.
Does this sound amazing to you? Do you need to do this for your business?
I am more than happy to help, all you need to do is contact me to get started. If your not sure, its ok because the initial chat is completely free and there is no obligation to stick around.