
A website is a window through which your business says hello to the world.

WordPress is a dynamic solution for your business to create a portfolio but so many business owners don’t know how to navigate or use it. 

This step by step WordPress course is here to support you and ensure you are in control of your website. 
You don’t need to rely on web developers to make important changes to your website and communicate with your audience.


Chapter 2 : How to set up WordPress with your host

**This will be demonstrated with VentraIP, what is a theme and how to choose a theme 

Chapter 3 : Introduction to WordPress

How to create a page, create and edit a menu, uploading your branding and your media library 

Chapter 4 : Introduction to Blogging

What are blogs, what is their purpose and how to create the perfect blog to bring traffic to your WordPress website. 

Chapter 5 : SEO Basics

How to research keywords and select the appropriate key phrases, the importance of Alt Image Labels and image descriptions, what are backlinks and what needs to be included in Metadata.  

Chapter 6 : Driving Traffic to Your Website

Discussing 10 strategies you can use to drive traffic to your website. 

Jess Byrnes


Ex corporate to boss with a successful marketing business in under three years! Jess swapped out the suits for the sweatpants to create a thriving online business assisting Entreprenuers with their social media and digital marketing.
A range of business qualifications and hands on experience with some of Australia’s largest organisations, Jess is here to take you on a journey to level up your email marketing game!

Ready to get started?

Pay now and jump into the Facebook Group Today.

Course Starts 1st February